Hacks to try when preparing paleo dessert recipes
By following some hacks, it shall help one prepare paleo recipes easily. The hacks will be of use when baking.
- Using coconut oil
To prepare paleo dessert recipes, some cooking hacks can help. You can try coconut oil in solid form and substitute it with items like corn oil and butter. This is also a good choice for the non-paleo ones. Even after using this oil in different dessert recipes, you are sure to get the creamy texture in the dessert that you used to get by adding butter into it.
- Honey and Maple Syrup
For the ones with diabetes or if you wish to take less sugar for any dessert that you prepare for your paleo diet, using honey or maple syrup is a good option. Though sugar adds texture and tenderness to the dessert but the substitute item can also do the same. For this, try to get the best quality honey and maple syrup to get a similar taste like sugar. Use the amount of honey or the syrup as per your taste.
- Usefulness of using Almond Butter
Peanuts are not included in the paleo diet but almond butter is a good option for preparing candies, confections, cookies and any other paleo dessert recipes. But if you have a problem to make nut butter, try sunflower seed butter that will add no less taste in the dessert that you prepare. Sun butter is a good option for kids. So, to bake perfectly in your paleo diet, you can still enjoy baking with some of the best substitute ingredients that are easily available. Even after some trial and testing, you are sure to get the desired taste from the dessert item.
- Adding flavors to your paleo dessert
Here some really good news for the bakers in a paleo diet. For baking, the right amount of ingredients in the batter plays an important role. From the fats to liquids that you mix in the batter, it contributes to the success of your recipe. Also, to add the right flavours in the dessert recipe, you can try caroline in Blueberry Muffins with Crumb Topping.
- Using apple cider vinegar
When making bread, cake or muffin, to help the batter rise, it will be beneficial if you add the apple cider vinegar. Add 1 to 3 teaspoons of vinegar that shall react with baking soda and help in baking. It can make up for a lack of baking powder when preparing any paleo recipes. This will be suitable for use when making Samoa cupcakes. Therefore, it can be included in any of the paleo dessert recipes.
- Types of flours
- Almond flour – The almond flour is prepared from the ground up almonds leaving a nutty flavour to the baked item. Comparatively, it contains more protein and fat than coconut flour. For its great almond taste, it is a great option for cakes and cookies.
- Coconut flour – This flour is also prepared from grounded coconut and it is quite popular in paleo baking items. With more fibre and carbohydrate content than almond flour, it will enhance the taste of the dessert. Also, it has a sweet taste for which it is preferred in most of the baked items in a Paleo diet. It is perfect when preparing waffles and pancakes. It easily absorbs the moisture so that the end product dries up easily.
- Cassava flour – The flour is made from whole cassava root which is peeled, dried and then grounded to make the flour. This has a rich source of flour. To prepare tortillas and slices of bread in a paleo diet, this flour is a suitable option. Even though it is high in carbs, it is like wheat flour that helps yield better baking results. Therefore, for preparing desserts in a paleo diet, this flour is a good option.
- Tapioca Flour – To make this flour, starch is extracted from cassava root. In this, the wet pulp is extracted and then the water evaporates that helps form the tapioca flour. This flour is suitable for thickening and a great substitute as baking powder. To get the best results, it works the best coconut flour or almond flour.
Try flour blends that are gluten-free when preparing paleo dessert recipes for a paleo diet. This mixes well with the recipe without making the batter too dry. Most of these baking blends are made from tapioca flour and potato starch. When used in baking, this is sure to give better results.
- Substitute for sweeteners
In the paleo diet, stevia leaf is a good option to be used in the place of sweeteners. It comes with a natural sweet taste and a good alternative for sugar. This is suitable for usage in dessert recipes if eggs are not used in it. If you use stevia leaf powder or liquid that is mixed with chemicals, it is a suitable option for use. So, as it contains sugar content, try to use a little amount of it for any paleo dessert recipes that you make.
Therefore, with the help of correct ingredients for Paleo dessert recipes and the right tools for baking, you can make creative recipes. With silicone baking mats, cake pans, cookie sheets and the like, make a delicious dessert and baking recipes for the paleo diet.