Paleo diet - what are some facts to know?

What were the features of the cavemen? They wore unfashionable loincloths,  didn’t have the perfect grooming, etc. A key feature was their diet. At present, many people are adopting their diet, albeit some other name. The name is the Paleo diet, and it does not include dairy, grains, alcohol, sugar,Continue Reading

Paleo Diet: A Detailed Guide Introduction

Palеo Diеt is onе of thе most talkеd about nutrition options for both wеight loss and ovеrall diеt managеmеnt. So, it is an excellent idеa to givе Palеo Diеt a try with the help of paleo diet coach if you want to shеd off a fеw еxtra pounds without lookingContinue Reading


A paleo diet works well when it comes to weight loss as it is low-carb and gluten-free. But the paleo diet doesn’t mean that you have to always eat tasteless food. The paleo ground chicken recipes are the easiest and most healthy recipes, and it is completely protein-packed. If youContinue Reading

Paleo beef jerky recipes pave the way to healthy snacks

Paleo eaters are the modern-day cavemen. They put high-protein snacks on the rage for promoting weight loss. Finding a snack is one of the most challenging jobs when following a paleo diet plan. Beef jerky is a good option to try for this.  The high protein percentage in beef jerkyContinue Reading

Check If You Are Making These Common Paleo Mistakes

Millions of Americans make New Year’s resolutions every January, with vigor and enthusiasm.  With a high prevalence of adult obesity, many of them resolve to lose weight and get into shape. But the paleo diet landscape is full of conflicting and confusing information. Maybe you are following a paleo dietContinue Reading