Paleo diet plans include meats, fish, fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetables that the cavemen used to get by hunting and gathering. But modern people are not biologically identical to the people of the Stone Age. Modern foraging societies also differ in location, season, and opportunity. As a result, recommendations for paleo diet plans also vary. The problem with paleo diet plans is that some people become too much fastidious and often get confused with paleo diets. They complain that paleo is not working for them. Following the paleo diet plan is like making big lifestyle changes. Here are the common paleo mistakes and how to avoid them.
9 paleo mistakes people make
Although paleo is a basic diet plan, it is easy to make following paleo mistakes.
Consuming too much meat
It is the most common paleo mistake one does when following an eating plan. Although meat provides many nutrients, Paleo dies are not about eating a lot of meat skipping fruits, and veggies. Instead, one should include fruits, nuts, seeds, and veggies with a lot of fiber to at least half of the plate. It is because they supply a lot of macronutrients. Other than this, one has also to consider the type of meat. Consuming too much red meat is associated with many health issues. So, should limit red meat to twice or thrice a week. Taking around twenty grams of animal protein with each meal is a great way to start. These should only be lean cuts, preferably from grass-fed meat.
Avoiding carbohydrates
Missing carbohydrate is also one of the paleo mistakes one makes. Sometimes people on paleo diets feel less energetic. Deficiency in carbohydrates could be responsible for that. When one does not take sufficient amounts of carbohydrates, the brain becomes sluggish. Paleo never means missing or lowering carbohydrates. People do this not knowing what carbohydrates are. One can get healthy carbohydrates from avocado, bananas, sweet potatoes, etc. A paleo diet never includes bread or pasta, but one can and should include healthy carbohydrates. They are also a great source of antioxidants, fibers, minerals, and vitamins.
Missing healthy fats
Following a low-carb and low-fat plan is another paleo mistake one makes. When one starts to be on a paleo diet plan, the body starts consuming more fat for energy. If your diet lacks both carbohydrates and fats, it will fail to meet the energy needs. Moreover, severe restriction of fats and carbohydrates entails releasing of counteracting hormones. It is likely to increase cravings for them. One should, therefore, add avocado, olive oil, fatty fishes like salmon, trout, tuna, sardine, mackerel, etc. The fatty fishes are rich in healthy omega3 fatty acids.
Distorting portion sizes
It is also a common paleo mistake. A majority of people do not understand the quantity they are eating until they get a swing. Portion size has connections with nutrition. It is determined by the hunger, energy, and activity levels of a person. So, one should consider the amount of food based on these elements. It will ensure that one is getting the right amount of nutrients on every plate.
Forgetting fibers
Forgetting fibers is also one of the common paleo mistakes. Humans cannot digest fibers. But plant fibers are a good source of probiotics and feed the microbes present in the gut. So while taking paleo diets, one must balance it with the right amount of plant fibers to derive the best health outcome.
Relying on the label
With the increasing popularity of the paleo diet, a large number of packed foods contain the ‘Paleo’ label. Most people believe that if a packaged food is labeled ‘Paleo’, it is ‘Paleo’, and they rely much on packaged food. It gives rise to another paleo mistake. Food cannot be a real paleo food just because of the label. As such one should not take lots of bars, jerky, shakes, and other packaged foods. Then can be an extra only.
Opting for wrong fat sources
Consuming fat from the wrong sources is another paleo mistake that people make. Taking two servings of nuts or eating salami and cured meats are not the same. One should not include processed meats in paleo diet plans but must focus on taking plant-based fats and grass-fed meat or getting the best results.
Missing essential nutrients
Missing essential nutrients is one of the vital paleo mistakes one makes. One should not also skimp on Calcium. As one does not eat legumes or tofu while on this diet, one must find alternative sources of calcium. Broccoli, kale, and leafy greens are great sources of calcium and many other nutrients.
Following a super-strict plan
The paleo diet includes many healthy foods. It is also popular. But that does not mean it will agree with everyone. If one does not suffer from food intolerance or allergies, there is hardly any point in omitting that food completely from the diet plan. Persons having irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive issues may have adverse results by taking strict paleo diets. One should consult a doctor to make a customized paleo diet plan to get the best results.
Summing up
Paleo diets have many health benefits. Now that you have reached these lines, you know the common paleo mistakes. You may or may not be making those. However, one should avoid those and follow a balanced diet plan with regular exercise to get the desired result.