Hot and spicy paleo beef jerky
The paleo beef jerky dish is a delicious one that is sold in stores. Made from thinly sliced beef, the recipe is mixed with hot and spicy gravy. The marinade should be perfect that shall add the actual flavour to the dish. It includes the right seasoning with the spices.
Ingredients required for marinade
- 1 cup of apple cider
- ½ cup of balsamic vinegar
- 2 tablespoon of fish sauce
- ¼ cup Dijon mustard
- ¼ cup unpasteurized honey
- 2 tablespoon of liquid smoke
- 2 tablespoon of freshly cracked black pepper
- 2 tablespoon of smoked paprika
- 3 tablespoon of garlic powder
- 1 tablespoon of onion powder
- 1 tablespoon Himalayan salt
- 3 tablespoon of sesame oil
- 2 tablespoon of crushed chilli pepper
- 2 dried and chopped chipotle peppers
- 1/4 tablespoon of ground clove
Steps to follow
- Clean the meat and put it in the freezer for 60 to 90 minutes. To make paleo beef jerky recipe, you should be able to cut the meat pieces properly with a knife.
- Cut long slices as these are easy to chew and easily break into pieces. Put the slices aside into a container for some time.
- Add ingredients mentioned in the marinade covering the meat slices properly and let the marinade mix well overnight.
- Before you start cooking, cover the bottom of over with aluminium foil. Now, place the marinated meat slices on the oven and keep the heat on low flame. You can also use racks places the slices on it and then put the rack over the oven. It is preferable if you have higher racks.
- Let the meat dry for 3 hours on one side and then flip it to get cooked from the other side for another 3 hours. However, the cooking time depends on the thickness of the meat slices. Once it is cooked, you can cool it and store it for months and try it.
Chili Lime Beef jerky
When looking for paleo beef jerky recipes, this is another delicious one that has both a salty and sweet taste.
Ingredients required
- 2 lbs beef roast london broil, round roast
- 2 limes, zested and made into juice
- 1/3 c tamari soy sauce
- 1/3 c chili garlic paste
- 2 tablespoon worcestershire sauce
- 2 tablespoon honey (optional)
Instructions for recipe
- First, trim excess fat and cut into thin slices against grain making it ¼ inch slices. This shall help to prepare the recipe easily and the marinade shall mix well with the slices.
- In a bowl, mix the ingredients mentioned and mix it with the beef slices. Each slice should sip into the marinade well and keep it overnight. Stir occasionally to ensure even coating on the slices.
- When preparing this paleo beef jerky in an oven, pre-heat at 200 degrees. Do not forget to put foil on the rack that prevents overheating of the slices. Now, remove the beef pieces from the marinade and dry it. Put the pieces of the skewers and place them on the rack in such a way that the beef hangs down.
- You have to bake for 15 minutes by closing the door of the oven. After 15 minutes, keep the door open and lower the temperature to 150 degrees. Continue to cook for 4 to 6 hours flipping the pieces after 30 minutes. Once the cracks of jerk bents, it indicates that it is done.
- Paleo BBQ Beef Jerky
This is another tasty paleo beef jerky recipe that does not require adding sugar, soy and other additives. This is an interesting snacks item that is easy to prepare.
Ingredients required
- Grass-fed Flank Steak
- Olive oil
- Paleo BBQ Sauce, homemade or online-bought
- First, you have to cut the flank steak into thin strips so that it is cooked easily
- Now, put the steak into the BBQ sauce marinade and add olive oil into it. Keep the mixture overnight. The amount of oil and sauce is as per your taste.
- Then, you have to put the flank steak into the dehydrator, putting it at 140 degrees for 3 to 5 hours.
Try to get a grass-fed steak that will make the jerky recipe even better. To easily cut the steak, put it in the freezer for 2 to 3 hours before you start preparing it.
The combination of ginger, garlic and honey will result in a sweet paleo beef jerky recipe.
Ingredients required
- 4-5 pounds of lean beef, cut into strips
- ½ cup of honey
- 6 cloves of garlic, chopped
- 2-inch chunk of freshly peeled and chopped ginger
- ½ tablespoon of ground cardamom
- ⅛ tablespoon of ground cloves
- ¼ cup canning or Kosher salt
- ½ cup of water
Method of preparation
- First, put honey, garlic and ginger in a pot and heat it boils and put it on simmer.
- Now, add salt and water to the pot and stir and let ginger and garlic become soft.
- Add cardamom and cloves and remove from heat. Now mix it and let it cool.
- After this, add the marinade to the meat properly.
- Keep it overnight in a plastic bag.
- Now, dehydrate meat strips at 160 degrees until it dries, but it can be dent for 8 to 9 hours.